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Right Job, Wrong Sock

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Right Job, Wrong Sock

You have your resume all edited and done. You have an interview lined up. You are ready to land yourself this dream job. You walk into the office and your recruitment agent has already given you a once over from where they are seated. They have taken in your outfit and your presentation all in 5 seconds, long before you even said anything to sell your credentials.

Grooming and dressing up well for an interview is extremely crucial. Enough said. Not only does it increase your chances at landing the job, it also enhances self-confidence. When you feel confident, naturally you will do well.

How do you groom yourself then you ask for that spot on presentation?

For the gents; Ensure you have had a haircut, hair is neat and any facial hair is also made to look neat and presentable. Wear a well-fitting shirt, pants and clean shoes and socks that are closest in colour with your shoe. Light coloured socks against dark coloured pants and shoes calls for unwanted attention, not in a good way. If it’s a management role, wearing a chic suit is recommended. A briefcase or messenger bag also indicates that you have taken enough care to transport your resume and certificates well.

For the ladies; Avoid tight fitting clothes. Comfortable, slightly loose fitting, sober cultured clothes are best. Avoid busy prints and gaudy colors. Skirts should be knee length so they don’t ride up when you sit, calling for unwanted attention. Try a well-fitting suit if you’re applying for a managerial position. It also spells confidence and style. Carry a bag that’s neat and professional to tie in with the professional look. Other little but important things, nails should be clean and trimmed, and for the ladies, natural nail polish is the way to go. Keep the jewelery simple, you want the agent to notice you not your bling. Remember your recruitment agent will see you first before your future employer, so come in best dressed, make a lasting impression and leave with the dream job in hand.

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Application for the role of Right Job, Wrong Sock.