Whistleblower Policy

Last updated: March 14, 2024

Intelek is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethics in all aspects of its business operations. As part of our dedication to maintaining a culture of accountability and compliance, we have established this Whistleblower Policy to provide a confidential and secure platform for employees, contractors, clients, vendors, and other stakeholders (hereafter referred to as “Whistleblowers”) to report concerns or violations of ethical standards, laws, regulations, or Company policies without fear of retaliation.


The purpose of this Whistleblower Policy is to:

  • Encourage employees and stakeholders to report any genuine concerns regarding illegal or unethical conduct related to Intelek’s operations and business.
  • Establish a secure and confidential mechanism for reporting such concerns.
  • Ensure that all reported concerns are promptly and thoroughly investigated.
  • Safeguard Whistleblowers from any form of retaliation for making good-faith reports.

This policy applies to all individuals associated with Intelek, including employees, contractors, clients, vendors, and other stakeholders.


Whistleblowers can report their concerns through any of the following channels:

  • Direct Reporting: Whistleblowers may report their concerns directly to their immediate supervisor, manager, or the next level of management.
  • Anonymous Reporting: Intelek has established a confidential and anonymous reporting channel (e.g., a dedicated email address or hotline) through which Whistleblowers can submit their concerns. The identity of the Whistleblower will be protected to the extent allowed by law. enquiry@wordpress-1203528-4387051.cloudwaysapps.com
  • Third-Party Reporting: Whistleblowers may also report their concerns to an independent third-party service provider engaged by Intelek to receive and investigate such reports.

Whistleblowers are encouraged to report any genuine concerns related to, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Fraud or financial misconduct
  • Violation of laws, regulations, or company policies
  • Discrimination, harassment, or other workplace misconduct
  • Health and safety violations
  • Environmental issues
  • Conflict of interest
  • Retaliation against other whistleblowers


All reports made under this policy will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, to the extent allowed by law. The identity of the Whistleblower will be disclosed only to those involved in the investigation, and information will not be disclosed beyond what is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation.


Intelek strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against Whistleblowers who make good-faith reports. Any retaliation, including but not limited to termination, demotion, harassment, or any adverse employment action, against a Whistleblower will result in appropriate disciplinary action against the responsible party, which may include termination of their employment or contractual relationship.


All reported concerns will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by an appropriate designated person or committee within Intelek. The investigation process will be fair, impartial, and conducted with confidentiality.


Intelek will strive to provide feedback to the Whistleblower on the status and outcome of the investigation to the extent possible, considering legal and privacy constraints.


This Whistleblower Policy is not intended to cover instances of spreading false or malicious information. Any individual found to have intentionally made a false or malicious report will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or legal action if warranted.


This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

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Application for the role of Whistleblower Policy.

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Application for the role of Whistleblower Policy.

Intelek Talent Solutions

Application for the role of Whistleblower Policy.